Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Irony of Overlooking

As I started working more and more on this project it became clearer that I was going to need to see a shipping container for myself, so I set out to find one.  At first I looked on the internet for places that sold shipping containers, and there were plenty but there were none too close to home.  Then to make matters worse, the places that were close were only open from seven to four Monday through Friday, and seeing that my school hours are from eight thirty until three thirty this was going to be tough.  I had just decided I would get up early and be waiting down there when they opened at seven one morning, when Mr. Reece (my Technical Manufacturing teacher) opened my eyes.  Mr. Reece asked me if I had seen the shipping containers down by the track—right then it clicked: I didn't have to find a shipping container company I was surrounded by a world of shipping containers.  On my way home that day I saw all the shipping containers I was previously blind to; there were three right one campus and another one in the parking lot at my dad’s office.  All I can say is that it is amazing what you can overlook, when you overlook in the wrong places. 

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